It starts in the mind

This excerpt from Living Above the Level of Mediocrity by Charles R. Swendoll is a must share as I continue to focus on the importance of living life above average and definitely according to the principles of the Kingdom.  “The world is full of folks, who would quickly give up. They sit back with folded arms, deep frowns, and skeptical stares.  Their determination is short lived.  Their favorite words are “Why try?…Give up….We can’t do that….Nobody ever does those things.” and they miss out on most of the action, to say nothing of all the fun!  They’ve got the rules memorized, and their minds are closed to new and creative possibilities.  Like rats in a sewer pipe, their whole focus is limited to a tight radius of don’ts, won’ts, can’ts, and quits.

But periodically we bump into a few refreshing souls, who have decided that they aren’t going to live in the swamp of the status quo, or run scared of being different, even though others will always say, “It can’t be done.”  Those who aim high are strong willed eagle types who refuse to be bothered by the negativism and skepticism of the majority.  They never even use the words “Let’s just quit!”  They are the same ones who believe that mediocrity must be confronted.  And that confrontation must first take place in the mind–the seed plot of endless and limitless possibilities.”

  1. “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.  Romans 12:2

You never know how the Word will come to you and always just when you need a reminder.  I picked the one time #1 Seller out of a pile of 99 cent used books, eager to finish it and I hate laying it to the side.