The Seven Step Formula

If you have not started I encourage you to join me and decide exactly what you want. What you really want to decide is what or how you want to be transformed. Brian Tracy will take us through
seven areas of our lives that will include all or anything we will want to change and take control of.

. With the number seven again and with its completeness, Tracy gives steps to set and achieve goals. After deciding what your goal is step two is to write it down. Writing it down gives you something to touch, read and even make changes. If you don’t write it down, it will disappear.
Set a deadline to follow up on step three. A final deadline that is supported by sub-deadlines will work in our instances. Our deadline should be like our goal, realistic.
Making a list of everything is step four; this will help in and tracking. Breaking the goal down into smaller task or steps will add leverage for success.
Step five gives order as we organize.
Step six is to take action immediately.
Step seven is to do something every day that will move you closer to your want to be. Being consistent will develop momentum. Momentum is motivating, inspiring and gives you energy.
You may develop your own format or Tracy’s plan but write your goals down.


2 comments on “The Seven Step Formula

    • Thank you for your comment. As you can tell being discipline is a struggle for me. How strong are you at staying focus to manage time especially allowing time for the things that you really desire?

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